Your care at the Harmony Center will include:
SRI is designed to entrain you to your body’s rhythms and inner wisdom through focused attention, specific breath, movement, and touch. SRI is a self-help tool to increase your somatic awareness in support of your healing, inner resourcefulness, and empowerment. Dr Gianna and Dr Kevin will incorporate SRI exercises into your care. You will be able to purchase an SRI Guidebook to support yourself throughout your healing journey.
Somato (body) Respiratory (breath) Integration (SRI)
NetworkSpinal care is an evidence-based, chiropractic approach that helps you access your body's own potential to heal itself. This care honors your whole being: enhancing physical, mental, and emotional wellness.
We evaluate the spine and nervous system for stored tension patterns as well as available access points. We apply precise, gentle contacts to these access points to cue the brain to clear up interference throughout the nervous system and create new wellness strategies. For example, full respiration from your tailbone to your skull and the ability to find and self-release areas of tension.
We acknowledge what is already thriving in your body, and cue the brain to amplify more of that!
NetworkSpinal Entrainments
This includes a new client consultation, spine and posture exam, first Network entrainment, review of findings and recommendations for your care plan.
Initial Visit