Why NetworkSpinal?

Upgrade your nervous system, upgrade your life

NetworkSpinal care is an evidence-based approach to wellness and body awareness, using precise gentle touch to specific areas of the spine to cue the brain to create new wellness promoting strategies. 

During the NetworkSpinal entrainments, precise and gentle touch contacts are made at access points (gateways) along the spine, assisting the brain to connect more effectively with the spine and body. Consequently, you will develop new strategies for living, healing, and evolving.

When you upgrade your nervous system, you have more energy available for your life! You begin to experience more ease in your body, greater self-awareness of your needs and desires, and increased personal power to make new choices for your life. 

“Network Spinal Analysis and Somato Respiratory Integration are among the most powerful sources of transformation I have ever experienced or seen. They produce embodied and empowered strategies that are both sustainable and enjoyable for enhanced human resourcefulness and wellness. I am stronger, more inspired, creative and healthy because of this work. It has personally and professionally helped me to maximize my ability to contribute to others.” 

- Tony Robbins

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NetworkSpinal care can be
broken down into four seasons:

NetworkSpinal care can be broken down into four seasons: Discover, Transform, Awaken, Integrate


The season of Discover is all about creating ease and safety in our body and mind in order to get a sense of what is underneath the stories that have kept us in pain, disconnected and in survival mode instead of thriving mode. In Discover, we learn how to dissipate and self-regulate tension. We learn and experience how we have defended ourselves in the world. We discern how in our lives we have moved away from pain physically, energetically, and emotionally, and whether we still need to be doing so. We learn how we have narrowed our perception, created feelings and isolated parts of our body in response to circumstances at times in our life. We learn that while trying to protect ourselves from something we have deemed harmful or painful, we have ultimately associated and conditioned ourselves to what we initially tried to avoid.  

Connect & Release 

DISCOVER - Connect & Release 


The season of Transform is associated with personal ownership for having re-enacted and sustained defense strategies, lack of authentic expression and for distancing ourselves from our authentic nature. Here, we find the consciousness, energetic and life resources, actions and skills to transform ourselves. We transform our stories, rules, models, relationships and goals related to our bio-energetic, emotional and thought energies. The focus in this season is on insight. Definitive decisions and actions act as rituals for the expression of the wisdom of Transform physically, structurally, emotionally, socially and culturally. Now, we begin to build tension in order to use that fuel to transform our defended self and our lives. 

 Repattern & Transform 

TRANSFORM - Repattern & Transform 


The season of Awaken is an opening for transcendent awareness. It is the season of action, based upon the awareness and expression of empathy, love, compassion, and gratitude. Actions and awareness emanate from the interconnectedness of All of us, as experienced through any one of us. This is where the undefended self can merge with new levels of depth and fullness. We remember with greater depth and knowing the integral, profound, and effortless nature of our authentic self as it unfolds. We effortlessly access the web of life in which we all participate. Ultimately, our heart becomes the new leader. 

AWAKEN Interconnectedness

AWAKEN - Interconnectedness


The season of Integrate happens when a person re-visits a previous season while maintaining developmental perspectives from the subsequent season. The season of Integrate allows an individual to create a greater depth of experience through the elements of more than one season at a time while gaining wisdom of the previous season. During Integrate, we consciously choose the seasons we blend together to create the internal reality of our choice.

Weaving it all Together

INTEGRATE - Weaving it all Together


"I have experienced many types of chiropractic care and I'm very enthusiastic about NetworkSpinal as an effective means of reducing pain.

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What Our Clients Are Saying

— MARIE B. —

Not to mention, Gianna's intuitive approach is an added bonus. Occasionally she will mention something she's observing in my body, that reflects some emotional or energetic scenario happening in my life. I appreciate these reflections and connecting to this idea of my body as a microcosm of the macrocosm of life."